Second Sunday of Easter – DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY – 23rd April, 2017
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.
Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS: Rafal Luberda, Maple Avenue & Poland; Paddy O’Sullivan, Kilcorney.
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 22nd April:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. John Joe & Teresa Tangney, Main Street
Sunday 23rd April:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Fr. Tim Buckley, Toorbonia & England
Cullen 10.15 a.m. Nora Fleming, Meenagloherane
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Victor O’Hare, Cloghoulamore
Anniversaries: Florrie & Nanie O’Donoghue, Lackabawn; Noel & Barty Keating, Murphy’s Terrace; John & Ann Lucey, Minor Row; Denis Cronin, Coolinarne; Patrick Murphy, Cloghoulabeg, Jeremiah & Bridie O’Connor, Cloghoulabeg.
Mass Intentions for next week:
Saturday 29th April:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m. Denis Cronin, Coolinarne
Sunday 30th April:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Kathleen & Nelius Guerin, Ballydaly
Cullen 10.15a.m. Pat John Cronin, Lisnasheershane
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Jimmy Cashman, Clara Road
Millstreet Church: Mass times this week, unless there is a funeral.
Mass on Monday for the deceased members of the Desmond Family, Liscahane at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Tuesday at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Wednesday for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Thursday at 10.00a.m.
Mass on Friday for Patrick & Mary Dineen, Knocknapogue at 7.30p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday & Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 10.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. Each Tuesday & Wednesday the box will be placed on the altar for Mass and then placed in the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them
Rotas for Next Weekend 29th/30th April |
Millstreet |
6.30 p.m. | Maria Kelleher | Group C |
11.30 a.m. | Michael Cashman | ||
Ballydaly |
9.00 a.m. | Dan O’Riordan | Group B |
Cullen |
10.15 a.m. | Tom O’Riordan | Group G |
CULLEN CHURCH: Collector for next weekend (30th): Billy O’Sullivan
Mass on next Thursday at 7.30p.m. for Ellen & Tim Houlihan, Duarigle
First Holy Communion in Cullen on Saturday 29th April at 11.00a.m.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION every Thursday in Cullen Church from 10.00a.m. to 7.00p.m. All are welcome. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. The box will be then placed on the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them.
LEGION OF MARY: Meeting on Tuesday night in The Parish Centre at 8.00p.m.
DIOCESAN COLLECTION next weekend (29th/30th): Peter’s Pence
MILLSTREET ALTAR SOCIETY for 30th April & 7th May: Group C
DIVINE MERCY: Devotions will take place this Sunday with the “Chaplet” at 3.00p.m. Confessions will begin at 2.30p.m. People are invited to bring any Holy Objects they wish to have blessed.
Community Notices
- PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND: 22nd-30th Flight direct from Shannon to Krakow. Spiritual director: Fr. Piotr Delimat, St. John’s Tralee. Details at the back of each Church.
- NATIONAL APOSTOLATE OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Invitation to all adorers of Holy Eucharist for Annual Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 30th Contact Tom (087) 6468658, Betty (087) 2572064 or Ellen (087)1332161 for details. Bus will travel from Millstreet via Kanturk & Newmarket.
- COBH BRASS BAND: To mark their 50th Anniversary Cobh Brass Band will perform in Kiskeam Church at 3.00p.m. on this Sunday. Admission free.
- 6th ANNUAL KERRY CAMINO WALKING FESTIVAL will take place from 27th-30th For registration and details A registration evening will also take place on 27th April at 7.00p.m in The Grand Hotel, Tralee.
- FREE INFORMATION EVENING on Bowel Cancer Prevention and Awareness on 27th April at the Rose Hotel Tralee between 7.00 & 9.00p.m.
- LITTLE TREASURES PRE-SCHOOL MILLSTREET: Parents – to ensure your child has a place in school for September 2017 please call to school for booking form or if you already have a form please return to school as spaces are limited. Closing dates for completed forms is Friday 26th May
- BLUE FORCE 5000 MILE COASTLINE TRACTOR CHALLENGE will be in Macroom/Millstreet area on next Monday 24th There are plans in place to join the run in Macroom and travel to Carriganima for a tea stop & gathering of further tractors. Then on to Millstreet possibly to Colemans before their journey to Tralee. This event is part of Ford 100 celebrations. For further details contact Jack Sheehan (086) 8068243.