Mikie Dinneen, Murdered 100 years ago today at Tooreenbawn

In the aftermath of the Rathcoole ambush a week earlier, where two Auxiliaries were killed, and many wounded, the British forces conducted the biggest sweep of any area in the south of Ireland, looking for IRA suspects. Early on the morning of the 24th of June 1921 I.R.A. Volunteer Michael Dineen from the Kilcorney Company County Cork was taken from his brother’s house in Ivale, and shot in the back multiple times just 300m away.

The British Commandant instructed that no inquest was to take place as such action would have risked lives unnecessarily of local forces.

His funeral was probably the largest ever seen locally, and he was buried in Millstreet Church Graveyard (along the path, just down from the sacristy door).

Pictured above is the memorial at the site of his murder in Tooreenbawn.

For more information on Mikie Dineen, and what happened, we recommend these:

  1.  The life and death of Mikie Dineen (Aubane Historical Society)
  2. The Killing of Michael Dinneen (millstreet.ie)
  3. Dineen Shot (the Auxiliaries)

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The Killing of Michael Dinneen




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