Looking for Dineens of 20 Upper Mill Lane

Looking for information on 1901 census about Building 20 Upper Mill Lane, Drishane, Millstreet. My father’s uncle James Dineen was a tailor in Millstreet until his death in 1915. His wife Nora (Casey) Dineen was a dressmaker and they had a Jeremiah Riordan, age 15, living with them. He might have helped them with their business. Our family will be visiting Millstreet this summer and would like to visit their home at Building 20 but it, doesnt appear on Google maps. Does anyone know where Upper Mill Lane is ? Also would LOVE to chat with any Dineen, Casey or Riordan Family!
Debra Dineen, Arizona, USA

Admin’s notes: Upper Mill Lane is generally known as Mill Lane. 20 Mill Lane is on Google Maps here

1911 Census:

Residents of a house 12 in Mill Lane Upper (Drishane, Cork)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion Birthplace Occupation Literacy Irish Language Marital Status Specified Illnesses Years Married Children Born Children Living
Dineen James 43 Male Wife R Catholic Co Cork, Millstreet Tailor Read and write English Married 15 4 2
Dineen Norah 46 Female Wife R Catholic Co Cork Dress Maker Read and write Irish and English Married 15 4 2
Dineen John 13 Male Son R Catholic Co Cork Attending School Read and write Irish and English
Dineen Kattie 11 Female Daughter R Catholic Co Cork Attending School Read and write Irish and English


1901 Census:

Residents of a house 20 in Upper Mill Lane (Drishane, Cork)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Dineen James 29 Male Head of Family – Tailor Roman Catholic
Dineen Norah 36 Female Wife – Dressmaker Roman Catholic
Dineen John 3 Male Son Roman Catholic
Dineen Katty 1 Female Daughter Roman Catholic
Riordan Jeremiah 15 Male Nothing
– Apprentice to Tailoring
Roman Catholic


James’ death cert from December 4th 1915, aged just 45 is in the civil records here.

12 thoughts on “Looking for Dineens of 20 Upper Mill Lane”

  1. Hi Debra, my name is Elizabeth Murphy, I’m married to James Murphy, his mum was Katty Dinnen and his uncle was John Dinnen, they did live in Milllane house is no longer there, we live in Drishane Road and we are sure you are related to James, Regards Elizabeth

    1. Hi and thank you for replying. So exciting to meet you ! I am definitely related. Would love to chat with you. My grandfather was John Dinnen ( he spelled it as Dineen in NY but I have seen it spelled a variety of ways in the family ). He married Mary Flanagan in Manhattan, New York and they had 5 boys. My father, John, was the oldest. My grandfather John passed away in 1933. My grandmother Mary passed away in 1948 and all her photos and collections were put in storage and the storage building was destroyed in a fire. All photos and stories went with that fire. My cousins and I only have 2 pictures of my grandmother and never saw a photo of grandfather John until I found one attached to his application for US Citizenship. We all cried and said hello grandpa. There is a big hole in our family not knowing anything about our Dineen family and we are proud to be Dineens ! Not sure how contacting you works but I will ask the administrator to send a request to email you and hopefully you will be good with that. Thank you so much for posting a reply !

      1. Thanks for posting. Katty and John Dinnen were were my dad’s cousin since there father James and his father John were brothers. I don’t know what that makes us lol since that is all very confusing but we know we are related and family and that is great news to me.

  2. The only Dineen to live in Mill Lane was Cathy she was married to Peter Murphy she was also related to the Casey’s in Clara her son John still lives in Knocknagree. They lived at the top of Mill Lane on the right hand facing down towards the mill. The house identified on Google maps is where Singleton’s used to live now owned by Denis Twomey. I think the house which is still in existence is now owned by Jerry O’Regan of O’Regans Mills hope this information will be of some benefit.
    A Former Mill Laner.

    1. Cathy Dineen and Peter Murphy were my grandparents. The house in Mill Lane was owned by Jerry O’Regan but is since knocked. John my uncle lives in Knocknagree. There is also Threasa who I think lives in long Island in America. Jimmy my father still lives in millstreet and the youngest Michael lives in Cork. There is another brother of their’s deceased. His name was Frank. Hope that helps.

      1. Thank you for posting ! Nice to meet you ! Maybe you can help me with my confusion so I know who is who even though I do know we are related. But our family especially back then used all the same names and I’m wondering which Cathy is your grandmother. Here is what I have: James Dineen had a daughter Catherine (born about 1900) and a son John (born in 1898). James is my grandfather’s brother and Cathy and John are my father’s cousins. Now your grandmother Cathy is she this Catherine born in 1900 ? Or is she a daughter of someone else ? Thanks so much for any help and I’m so excited to meet you !

    2. Thank you and yes very helpful ! I didn’t know she was married to Peter Murphy. Do you know when O’Regans Mill was built ? In the 1901 Census her family is on Mill Lane and the landlord is H.A.B. Willis but on the 1911 there is no landlord listed. Since it is now owned by Jerry O’Regan I’m thinking it was owned by one of the Regans in 1911. Was O’Regans Mill there at the time ?

        1. Thank you for such a speedy reply. Very helpful. Since they continued to live in Mill Lane on the 1911 Census I am wondering if they moved to the other side of Mill Lane , if they leased from one of the other tenants , or by 1911 they bought the house. How did you ever find sale documents ? Great discovery.

      1. Nice to meet you debra. I wouldn’t be able to tell you much about the history of the mill. I see you are talking to my mother Elizabeth Murphy aswell so we will pull out what photos we can find tomorrow and send them on

  3. Does anyone have any information on a Jeremiah Dineen born approx 1830-1840. Married Catherine Callaghan (or O’Callahan). They had 6 children: Mary 1860, Honora 1863, Catherine 1865, Margaret 1868, Bridget 1877, and John(Daniel) 1879. John is my great Grandfather. He and his sisters emigrated to Boston in 1898 +-. Mother Catherine came later. They then moved to New York. Nobody knows what happened to Jeremiah. They were said to have lived in Millstreet or Cloundrohid. We are trying to locate a birth certificate for John. His daughter, my Grandmother, Mary Veronica was never able to find it, but she passed away before the internet. My Irish roots are important to me. Any help is welcome and very appreciated. Thank you, Leslie (Dineen) Haberman

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