Become a Master Composter


Want to Make a Difference? Become a Master Composter!

Issue date: June 16, 2010

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn everything you need to know about home composting and how to help people reduce waste. Cork County Council are looking for a few dedicated volunteers throughout the county to take part in an EPA sponsored master composter programme. The aim of the programme is to develop a base of community volunteers to promote the prevention of food and garden waste at home as well as encourage home composting. The programme is looking for people who have an interest in protecting our environment, who want to make a differnce in their community and who want to meet like minded people and have fun.

Composting is the natural breakdown of garden and food materials into humus – a dark, crumbly and earthy smelling material that can be used beneficially in our garden. Composting at home makes sense! Anyone can reap a heap of benefits, including saving money through the prevention of waste, conservation of resources and protection of our local environment.

International composting expert, Craig Benton, known as Dr. Compost, will lead four evening workshops and three field days throughout the months of July and September. Volunteers will be trained in alls aspects of composting from its biology to the practical building and operation of a range of composting systems. The first of the evening workshops will be held in Mallow on Thursday July 8th and practical hands-on field days will be held at the community allotments on the south side of town on two Saturdays in July.

EPA - Environmental  Protection AgencyThe practical field days will involve the building of a compost demonstration site for the community to use for its own materials and for others within county to see what’s possible for their community and at home. The following all day workshop focuses on how to start and operate a variety of composting sytems including hot turning systems, cold systems, worm bins, grasscycling and mulching. The programme will end with a grand opening of the site by the volunteers in early September in conjunciton with the allotment’s harvest festival. Upon completion of the training, volunteers receive a certificate of training and a free compost bin and 5 prong composting fork.

Full details of the programme and timetable are available from Margaret Desmond, RAPID; Mobile 086 380 5442. Places are limited, if you are interested in signing up for this new and exciting programme, please call Margaret at 086 380 5442.

2 thoughts on “Become a Master Composter”

  1. The Master Composters course has gone really well, and Master Composters are now available, through arrangement with Margaret Desmond, to help advise on food waste prevention as well as composting of food and garden waste.

  2. There will be a new and exciting Food Waste Prevention/Master
    Composter training programme run in Mallow.
    The new programme will have food waste prevention as its main
    emphasis, and participants can also expect full training in all
    aspects of home composting.
    The course will consist of 3 Thursday evenings: 21st and 28th of June
    and 5th of July from 7pm to 9.30pm, as well as Saturday 7th July from
    approximately 10am to 3pm.
    The training is free, and all course materials will be provided for
    participants to keep, but participants will be expected in return to
    volunteer up to 30 hours of their own time in “spreading the word”,
    passing on the environmental and financial benefits of food waste
    prevention and home composting in their own communities.
    Similar programmes have been run, with great success and participant
    enjoyment, in several locations throughout the country.
    Further information on the course will be made available at

    If you would like to take part in this programme or to find out more,
    please register your interest by emailing
    <email> or telephone Donal O’ Leary on 087

    The Stop Food Waste programme is an initiative,
    funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, to promote food waste
    prevention and awareness in Ireland.

    Please pass this information on to anyone who might be interested.

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